Art of Prevention: The importance of tackling the nail-biting habit!
Art of Prevention: The importance of tackling the nail-biting habit! Onychophagia is defined as a chronic habit of biting nails, commonly observed in both children and young adults, and it is classified among nail diseases caused by repeated injuries. During my TMJ...Physical Therapy And Dentistry: collaboration in success
Physical Therapy and Dentistry On the evening of November 9th, 2021, I had the pleasure of presenting on the topic of Physical Therapy and Dentistry, Perfect Combination to Evaluate and Treat Temporomandibular Disorders, Orofacial Pain, and Craniofacial Pain. Dr....Collaboration in Treating TMD
Quote by Joshua Graham, image Michael Fry Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) present a challenge for health professionals, due to the great complexity of the condition. This complexity is evident in various aspects, including accurate diagnostic methods,...Tinnitus and TMD
Do you all remember the FORD PINTO from about 1971? Now you might be asking what does the Ford Pinto have to do with Tinnitus, ringing in the ear, aural symptoms, and TMD or TMJ pain?? Well, nothing…. except to discuss a little quick anatomy today of a ligamentous...TMJ Degenerative Joint Disease: TM Joints move Pain-Free with Physical Therapy and Dentistry
Here is a case study along with the ways therapists and dentists can work together to restore pain free function in the TMJ.