Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Craniofacial Pain (TMD)
Date: December 2-3, 2023
Location: Burnsville, MN
The weekend of December 2 and 3, 2023 earmarked my 3rd opportunity to provide my 2-day TMJ course in collaboration with a Dentist. The Collaboration was with the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain and Dr. Kim Ledermann DDS, MS. Her Company is called Minnesota Craniofacial Center for TMJ and Sleep Treatment. In addition, a huge Thank You to my colleague and friend, Leslie Hovda PT, DPT, CCTT for hosting the course. Leslie works with the Minnesota Head and Neck Pain Clinic. This is always an amazing opportunity for the course participants as they not only learn about the Physical Therapy approach to evaluating and managing TMD, facial pain, headaches, and neck pain but also the Dental perspective. Dr. Ledermann lectured and presented on appropriate splint therapy, and various injections to the TM Joint such as prolotherapy, PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) Protext, and Wharton’s Jelly. As always, we cover topics about sleep therapy, tongue tie, airway issues, and many of the things patients struggle with and so often can correlate with the patient’s Temporomandibular Disorder! All in all, was just a fantastic course, the participants were all amazing and at least to me, seemed thoroughly engaged for 2 days straight, 16 hours of intense learning and sharing!

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Craniofacial Pain (TMD)
Date: November 11-12, 2023
Location: Green Bay, WI
The weekend of November 11th and 12th, 2023 Michael Verplancke DPT, CSCS, CFC, CMTPT, and I had the pleasure of sharing our passion for educating healthcare practitioners on the Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders in Green Bay, WI, Packer Territory! Thanks to Christina Mestelle PT, DPT, OCS from Prevea Health for reaching out and making this happen, along with our host, Prevea Health. It was an awesome group of PTs, PTAs, and Massage Therapists. Prevea is an amazing facility. Needless to say, great to be able to teach close to home and share our knowledge and passion in the Wisconsin area. So important to do subtle things when evaluating for TMJ-related issues, like loading of the mandible, Range of Motion, and listening with a stethoscope for various joint sounds or noises, all crucial to coming up with the correct diagnosis and eventual treatment plan!

Dr. Mariano Rocabado
Date: November 2-5, 2023
November 2-5, 2023 earmarked an amazing 4-day seminar with Dr. Mariano Rocabado, a nationally recognized Physical Therapist and leading expert in the field of TMD, cranio-mandibular disorders, and the connection of the head and neck to the bite (occlusion). Dr. Rocabado (influential mentor in my life and career) is from Santiago, Chile, and thanks to Dr. Jay Gerber DDS from Parkersburg, West Virginia for hosting and putting on this amazing event for Physical Therapists and Dentists. Dr. Rocabado’s ability to teach Dentists how Physical Therapists evaluate and Treat TMD related disorders as well as teach Physical Therapists the importance of occlusion, how the teeth come together, oral appliance therapy, and the necessary collaboration between our 2 professions to effectively treat patients suffering from Temporomandibular Disorders, Craniomandibular, and Craniocervical issues. Definitely one of the highlights of my career. It was so great to meet and learn from the other participants as well. Truly an amazing collaborative experience!

Rock County Dental Society
Date: October 19, 2023
Location: Janesville, WI
The Evening of October 19th, 2023 in Janesville, WI I had the pleasure of presenting to the Rock County Dental Society. Thank you to Dr. Raechel Jacobson DDS for inviting me and the entire Society for allowing me to present on “Bridging the Gap Between Physical Therapy and Dentistry”. So many patients need our collaborative care to help with those in pain from Temporomandibular Disorders, Orofacial Pain, Headaches, Migraines, and Sleep Disordered Breathing. As always, I have a great time with the Dentists. They are always very welcoming, inviting, and respectful!! Thanks Dr. Jacobson for making this happen!

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Craniofacial Pain (TMD)
Date: October 14-15, 2023
Location: Appleton, WI
Great weekend at our own Appleton, WI area with the Owner of Orthopedic and Spine Therapy, Steve Barnett PT, MBA, CMTPT! The weekend of October 14th and 15th, 2023 I had the pleasure of teaching my 2-day TMD course to his amazing group of Physical Therapy Specialists. I really appreciated that Steve hosted my course at his beautiful facility in Appleton, and a shout out to Patrick Schuh PT, DPT, CMTPT, FAAOMPT for assisting with many of the details! I had our very own Michael Verplancke DPT, CSCS, CMTPT, CFC assist in class and as always he does a fantastic job! Steve Barnett and I have known each other for a very long time. I have been very grateful for our friendship, as well as our professional relationship as private practice owners. Thanks so much to Orthopedic and Spine Therapy! Keep up the great work and the success of your private practice and 15 locations! It’s so incredibly impressive in this current healthcare environment!

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Craniofacial Pain (TMD)
Date: October 7-8, 2023
Location: Murray, UT
How gorgeous are Park City and Salt Lake City, Utah!! The weekend of October 7th and 8th, 2023 I had the pleasure of teaching my 2-day TMD course to Hand and Orthopedic Physical Therapy Specialists. I appreciate the owners, Steve Crandall PT, DPT, OCS, Nan Crandall, and Todd Schwartz PT, DPT, OCS, for hosting my course and Justin Carrier for ultimately inviting me. Justin also assisted in class and is currently Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education and Assistant Professor at Salt Lake Community College. Once again it was a great environment to foster learning, sharing, and collaborating! Thanks so much, Hand and Orthopedic PT Specialists! Keep up the great work and the success of your private practice and 5 locations!

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Craniofacial Pain (TMD)
Date: September 9-10, 2023
Location: Chino, CA
This past weekend September 9th and 10th, 2023, I had the pleasure of teaching my TMJ Course for MarketPlace Physical Therapy and Wellness Centers, with 5 locations in and around the Chino, California area, just outside of Los Angeles. I want to thank the owner, Dr. Steven Nieto DPT, OCS, Cert. SMT for hosting and Rachel Keast PT, DPT for inviting me and doing a great job assisting me in the lab! As always, it was a great group of clinicians, and they were a lot of FUN! It is always a pleasure to be surrounded by Physical Therapists, Physical Therapy Assistants, Massage Therapists, Occupational Therapists, and Chiropractors, who share a strong interest and passion for treating Temporomandibular Disorders, Headaches, and Orofacial Pain. The results can be fantastic when combined with high-quality clinicians along with a multidisciplinary approach!
Once again, we covered everything from assessing normal and abnormal TMJ range of motion, palpation of all the muscles of mastication, educating on the importance and preventive nature of the Rocabado Pain Map, and of course, You gotta exercise the jaw and those TMJ muscles by using my TMJ exercise tool and retrainer, the Hyperboloid!! There is nothing else like it on the market, with an amazing history as to why it was developed, etc!
Keep up the great work MarketPlace PT and Wellness Centers. They have a very talented crew, and California is lucky to have access to these highly skilled and caring clinicians.

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Craniofacial Pain (TMD)
Date: August 5-6, 2023
Location: Newark, DE
The weekend of August 5 and 6, 2023 earmarked my second opportunity to provide my 2-day TMJ course at a Dental Office. My course was hosted by Dr. Ryan Robinson and his amazing staff at his Pain and Sleep Therapy Center, BREATHE WITH PURPOSE, Clinic in Newark, DE! This is always an amazing opportunity for the course participants as they not only learn about the Physical Therapy approach to evaluating and managing TMD, facial pain, headaches, and neck pain but also the dental perspective. Dr. Ryan Robinson lectured and presented on appropriate splint therapy, various injections to the TM Joint such as prolotherapy, PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) and Protext, and Wharton’s Jelly. Dr. Ryan Robinson and Pain and Sleep Therapy Center has sponsored its independent study approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the Institute of Cellular and Regenerative Medicine and Regenerative Labs. The study will observe the benefits of applying Wharton’s jelly tissue allografts to cartilage defects in the temporomandibular joint and the implications on Mastication and TMJ translation. Can we regenerate tissue and bone within the Temporomandibular Joint? How amazing would this be without extensive surgery, joint replacements, etc? In addition, Dr. Robinson provided knowledge and skills on how to assess airway-related issues, such as sleep-disordered breathing, sleep apnea, sinus-related issues, deviated septal issues in the nose, etc. All things that can interfere with our ability to breathe well and live well! And most importantly the airway connection to the management of TMD-related issues. All in all, was just a fantastic course, the participants were all amazing and at least to me, seemed thoroughly engaged for 2 days straight, 16 hours of intense learning and sharing!

Vocal Unloading with Annie Strauch
Date: July 20-23, 2023
Location: Fox Point, WI
Calling all Professional Voice Users (anyone who uses their voice for work such as Pastors, Priests, Teachers, College Professors, Radio Announcers, Motivational Speakers, Lawyers, Singers (classical, pop, contemporary, or musical theatre performers), and even Coaches often report a forced or laborious voice that may fatigue with the nature of their profession. Freedom Physical Therapy Services is excited to offer a “tune-up” to maintain their laryngeal mobility and tissue health, preventing injury, and gaining support in how to strengthen their voice. As well as treating and supporting people experiencing voice quality issues, increased effort, and /or pain with vocalization, tongue tension, and throat pain of muscular origin.
Voice Physical Therapy Treatment is regularly used in conjunction with vocal coaches, Ear Nose and Throat (ENT), or voice therapists. Those who have been diagnosed with a voice issue, such as Muscle Tension Dysphonia (excessive muscle tension), by their ENT specialist or speech pathologist are often referred to us for vocal physiotherapy.
We had the pleasure of hosting Annie Strauch B. Phty (Hons), M. Phty(Musc), M.Phty(Sports), APAM, and is a titled APA Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapist. She is the Australian pioneer of Vocal Physiotherapy, physiotherapy treatment of the professional voice, and dysfunctional voice. We are honored to be her first group of Physical Therapists in the USA to be educated and trained by her. Annie is a very skilled manual therapist and her passion and knowledge regarding the evaluation and treatment of the dysfunctional voice was top-notch!

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Craniofacial Pain (TMD)
Date: July 7-8. 2023
Location: Tulsa, OK
July 8th and 9th, 2023, I had the pleasure of teaching my TMJ Course for Physical Therapy of Tulsa in Tulsa, OK. I want to thank the owner Ian Blake PT, MPT, OSC for inviting me and hosting the course! As always, it was a great group of clinicians, and they were a lot of FUN! It is always a pleasure to be surrounded by Physical Therapists, Massage Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Chiropractors, and our first Nurse Practitioner, who share a strong interest and passion for treating Temporomandibular Disorders, Headaches, and Orofacial Pain. The results can be fantastic when combined with high-quality clinicians along with a multidisciplinary approach!
Keep up the great work Physical Therapy of Tulsa!! They have a very talented crew, and Tulsa is lucky to have access to these highly skilled and caring clinicians.

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Craniofacial Pain (TMD)
Date: May 20-21, 2023
Location: Stillwater, MN
The weekend of May 20 and 21, 2023 Jeff Verhagen PT, MBA, CMTPT, Michael Verplancke DPT, CSCS, CFC, CMTPT, and I had the pleasure of sharing our passion for educating healthcare practitioners on the Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders in Stillwater, MN. Thanks to Michael Steiner, PT, DPT, ITPT from Twin Cities Orthopedics for reaching out and being willing to host our course and make this happen. It was an awesome group of PTs, PTAs, OTs, and Massage Therapists. Twin Cities Orthopedics is an amazing facility. Needless to say, Stillwater, MN is a beautiful Midwest place to definitely visit.

I am not sure where the past three weeks have gone, but time is going by too fast! May 4th through 7th marked the 47th Annual American Academy of Orofacial Pain conference entitled: Updates on Facial Pain, Headache, Wellness, and Sleep in Orlando, FL at the beautiful Disney Grand Floridian Resort. Several of my colleagues Harry Von Piekartz PT, Ph.D. was able to present on Craniofacial Pain: Clinical Solutions for Complex Presentations and Unraveling the Orofacial Cervical Complex, Janey Prodoehl PT, Ph.D., CCTT presented on Assessment of Disordered Breathing in the Orofacial Pain Patient and Emily Kahnert DPT, CCTT presented on The Role of Physical Therapy in the Management of TMJ Intra Articular Disorders. Finally, Christina Semonick M.S., CCC-SLP, a speech therapist who recently attended my two-day TMJ course lectured on Orofacial Pain and the Role of Myofunctional Therapy. Needless to say, so much more was shared by excellent Dentists and other disciplines with our one common goal, to better help serve our patients suffering from TMD, headaches, migraines, and Orofacial Pain. There was one great friend and colleague missing Todd Henkelmann MSPT passed away in August of 22 due to ALS. Todd’s contribution to the field of TMD and Bell’s Palsy was extensive. We miss you, Todd! Overall, it was an amazing five days, great collaboration between Dentistry and Physical Therapy!

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Craniofacial Pain (TMD)
Date: April 15-16, 2023
Location: Alexandria, VA
April 15th and 16th, 2023, I had the pleasure of teaching my TMJ Course for Solutions Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Clinic in Alexandria, VA. I wanted to thank Shira Weiss PT, DPT, CCTT, who is also a fellow CCTT, Certified Cervical and Temporomandibular Therapist with the PTBCCT for recommending my course to the owners of Solution PT. Shira is now 1 of 53 CCTTs in the USA. I wanted to thank the owners of Solution PT Christina Smith PT, DPT, ATC, SCS, CSCS and Andrew Sotirokos PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS for inviting me and hosting the course! As always, it was a great group of clinicians. It is always a pleasure to be surrounded by physical therapists, massage therapists, occupational therapists and dental hygienist with a strong interest and passion around treating Temporomandibular Disorders, Headaches, and Orofacial Pain. The results can be fantastic when combined with high quality clinicians along with a multidisciplinary approach!
Keep up the great work Solutions PT and Sports Medicine. They have a very talented crew and Alexandria is lucky to have access to these highly skilled and caring clinicians.

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Craniofacial Pain (TMD)
Date: February 25-26, 2023
Location: Woodstock, GA
February 25th and 26th, 2023, I had the pleasure of teaching my TMJ Course for Fyzical Therapy & Balance Center in Woodstock, GA. I wanted to thank Ashley Currie, Brian, and Burt Stevens for inviting me and hosting the course! As always, it was a great group of clinicians. I was also excited to be at a clinic that has and uses a Class IV laser for many of the things we treat in physical therapy, like Temporomandibular Disorders, Headaches, and Orofacial Pain. The results can be fantastic when combined with great skilled manual therapy, specific exercises, and self-help techniques. I fell in love with the whole area around Woodstock and Alpharetta, highly recommend visiting if you have a chance.

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Craniofacial Pain (TMD)
Date: January 28-29, 2023
Location: Nashua, NH
I had the great pleasure of teaching my course again in Nashua, NH at St. Joseph Hospital Outpatient Center on the weekend of January 28th and 29th, 2023. It was a truly great class, with really, kind, and gifted clinicians from all around the US. We had 2 Dentists attend and massage therapists along with PT and OT. Having some professional diversity during a class always adds to the learning environment and continues to foster the need for a multidisciplinary approach to treating patients suffering from Temporomandibular Disorders, Orofacial Pain, Airway issues, Swallowing Issues, etc. I want to give a HUGE shout-out to Melissa Simonis. She is a long-term Physical Therapist and employee of St. Joseph’s. She was just an amazing host and thanks to her we were able to put this fantastic weekend together. Melissa and Matthew O’Rourke also an employee of St. Joseph’s and assistant professor at Simmons University assisted during class. We had a great time using my TMJ neuromuscular exercise device called the Hyperboloid which I get specifically from Brazil. Thanks to St. Joseph Hospital for a great facility to allow me to share my passion!

Evaluation and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders and Craniofacial Pain (TMD) Level II
Date: January 7-8, 2023
Location: Cape Coral, FL
Once again had a wonderful opportunity to teach my TMD course in Cape Coral, FL, the weekend of January 7 and 8, 2023 at Allied Physical Therapy and Wellness Community and the awesome owner Matthew Harkness DPT, MTC, CFC, also a fellow Certified Manual Therapist and one of the few Certified Craniofacial Therapists in the USA, both of us alumni of the wonderful University of St. Augustine and trained by the legend Dr. Mariano Rocabado! Matt’s clinic is just great, his staff is fantastic, and Matt was able to help assist during this course and offer a lecture on his successes in marketing and business development. We had a wonderful turnout and are so grateful that virtually all participants who signed up in October of 2022 were able to attend after having to cancel due to the unfortunate hurricane that swept through that area! Thank you all for coming! We look forward to continuing to make this an annual event and eventually start hosting my advanced TMD course there. Pics below show Matt’s wonderful Allied PT community, the bite test, the Rocabado Pain Map, intraoral palpation skills, using the throat scope to assess the airway, in this case, enlarged tonsils are noted, and of course a group photo!